We would like to welcome all new Sunset Park Families!
First Step:
To verify the school you are zoned to, go to: https://www.ocps.net/departments/student_enrollment/find_my_school
Second Step:
Complete the Registration Application online. Scan, email or bring to the school the completed packet to the registrar along with all the necessary documents as listed below in order for your child’s enrollment to be processed. Students must turn 5 on or before September 1 of the current school year to be eligible to attend kindergarten.
Required Documents:
- Birth Certificate (if born in the U.S.) birth certificate and passport (if born outside of the U.S.)
- Parent Proof of identification (Driver’s License) Both Parents/guardians
- Immunization Form DH680 (can be obtain at pharmacies/walk-in clinics/pediatrician in Florida)
- School Entry/Physical by a U.S. doctor (within last 12 months) ** form DH3040**
- Verification of Address: Homeowner - (Homestead Exemption Card, Property tax statement or Settlement Statement. Leasing: Current lease-all pages, along with utility and cable bill or any other two bills with your name and current address) **If you are NOT on a lease/mortgage, you will need to make an appointment with Student Enrollment to receive a Verification of Residency. We will not be able to proceed with Registration until this is completed first, here is a link to schedule an appointment if necessary: https://www.ocps.net/departments/student_enrollment/verification_of_residence
- Special Service Paperwork: 504/IEP (most current) if applicable
- Custody Documents if applicable, Dad’s/Mom’s information must be on Registration Information or Divorce Decree/Custody Documents/Death Certificate are required, unless the parent is NOT on the Birth Certificate.
- Academic Records/Withdrawal paperwork from previous school
To access the 22/23 KINDERGARTEN OCPS Registration Application, go to: kindergarten.ocps.net **be sure to scroll down to the 24/25 School Year Registration Packet.
For all other grade level Registration Packets go to: https://www.ocps.net/departments/student_enrollment
ALL Documents must be translated into English by the parent/guardian
Third Step:
Once you have completed the online forms and collected all documentation, send all documents to: [email protected] or [email protected]
Attention: Robin Curry