Accelerated Reader
We want our students to develop a lifelong love for reading at Sunset Park!
Accelerated Reader is a computer-based reading program aimed to motivate students to set and meet reading goals. This program allows students to read a book and take a computerized comprehension test while at school. Points are awarded for each test the student masters. Prizes are awarded for these accumulated points.
This program is for all students in grades KG-5. Kindergarten scholars are introduced to the AR program once they have developed fluency with basic sight words (usually about 100 words).
Click here to search for AR titles:
AR bookfind
Each student will be given a point goal and a book level goal for each nine weeks. This goal is based on test scores, class work, and teacher observation. Student's must maintain an average of 80% correct on the tests taken.
AR Prizes this year include:
AR Prizes KG & 1st
1 AR Test - pencil
15 AR tests - Bookmark
35 AR tests - Eraser
50 AR tests - Popcorn party with movie
75 AR Tests- Sidewalk chalk and bubbles party w/ popsicle
Top KG & 1st AR Tester- Prize (not revealed until May)
Reader of the month will be announced over the announcements
All AR tests should be passing AR tests of 80% or better to earn a prize. AR ends May 1st, all points earned after May 1st do not count toward the media center AR goal.
2nd & 3rd Grade AR Prizes
1 AR Test - pencil
15 points - Bookmark
35 points - Eraser
50 points - Book give away
75 points- Popcorn party with movie
100 points- Candy Bar Party
Top points in 2nd & 3rd - Prize (not revealed until May)
Reader of the month will be announced over the announcements
Student percentage 80% or better to earn a prize. AR ends May 1st, all points earned after May 1st do not count toward the media center AR goal.
4th & 5th AR Prizes
1 AR Test - pencil
15 points - Bookmark
35 points - Eraser
50 points - Book give away
100 points- Popcorn party with movie
150 points- Bottle Volcano Party
200 points- Bingo Party with Candy Bar
250 points- Bronze Medal
300 points - Silver Medal
350 points- Gold Medal
Reader of the month will be announced over the announcements
Student percentage 80% or better to earn a prize. AR ends May 1st, all points earned after May 1st do not count toward the media center AR goal.
Here are some additional documents from Renaissance Learning:
A parent's guide to Accelerated Reader - questions and answers
A parent's guide to accelerated readers - questions and answers Spanish